Every photo expresses creativity

Every photo expresses creativity

Have you ever thought of the photos you take—even with your cell phone—as a spontaneous expression of your creativity? Sociologist Richard Christopherson says, “In terms of numbers and participants, photography may be the greatest folk art of all time.” Folk art...
Which photos are important?

Which photos are important?

My clients often ask me if there’s a way to narrow down the field of photos they need to keep or if there are ever any photos they are allowed to discard. Your immediate emotional response to a photo is the clue that it has a story worth telling. If you haven’t looked...
Time travel with your photos

Time travel with your photos

Your life is a series of interconnected stories. Photos record those stories. We need to relate the stories of our lives together to make sense. What better way to do that than to look back through your photos? Your life is a series of interconnected stories. Photos...
Photos help us connect with ourselves and others

Photos help us connect with ourselves and others

Dread of feeling too much might keep us from delving into photos from our past, but connection isn’t dangerous. Social and emotional connection is necessary to our feeling like part of a group, whether it’s our family, our friends, or our community. When we...
Lost Traditions

Lost Traditions

I was recently browsing the New York Public Library and the Library of Congress’ digital photo collections for a vintage picture of Thanksgiving to post. Rather than a plethora of dinner scenes like I expected, a search for “Thanksgiving” yielded...
It will cost too much

It will cost too much

We can all see how rapidly technology has changed in the past two decades. Less than twenty years ago some of us were still using VCRs regularly to record our favorite tv shows. We may have recorded video on mini-DVs or small DVD discs. When is the last time you have...