I’m copying this from another business I like

I’m copying this from another business I like

The company that I order photo prints from has a page buried on its website called “Beliefs” and it’s an absolute delight. I decided to do something similar, so here are my beliefs that led to me starting and continuing my work via photoxo. 1. Your...
Panel Discussion—The Photography Futurescape

Panel Discussion—The Photography Futurescape

I’m participating in a panel discussion at the Florida Museum of Photographic Arts on Sunday, October 13 entitled The Photography Futurescape. I’ll be talking about how the way we interact with our family photos has changed, and will continue to change,...
Worth A Thousand Words

Worth A Thousand Words

New online course available now from PHOTOXO ACADEMY Worth A Thousand Words is an online video-based course that will teach you impactful techniques used by museum curators for creating story-telling projects like photo books, photo videos, and gallery walls. There...


I found this slide at a thrift store in 2005 I think. I saw two or three carousel boxes on a shelf and my heart started racing! Each carousel only had a few slides in it, so I picked through them, put the ones I wanted all into one box, and bought it for a song. I...