We can all see how rapidly technology has changed in the past two decades. Less than twenty years ago some of us were still using VCRs regularly to record our favorite tv shows. We may have recorded video on mini-DVs or small DVD discs. When is the last time you have looked at the memories on that old media?
Some clients remember paying to digitize DVDs more than a decade ago and paying upwards of $500 for one reel of Super 8 to be digitized. And then still never watching the movie.
A lot has changed since then. Twenty years ago we were not carrying around tiny computers in our pockets. The iPhone is just over a decade old (can you even believe it?).

Converting analog forms such as printed photos or film negatives, cassette tapes, VHS, 8mm or Super 8, and paper documents to a digital format has become faster and easier as technology has evolved.
Coming from the world of museums, my goal is to work with the photos/videos/slides once and to do it both safely and in a way that will be accessible no matter what future technology (that we can’t yet imagine) comes along. it is best for fragile objects not to be touched more times than necessary and I know how precious your family memories are.
When I digitize your old media, everything is uploaded to my secure & private server so you can look at your photos and movies the way we look at everything now–on your phone or tablet. You decide who you share the archive with and it is stored on my server as a backup.
Creating your intergenerational archive of family memories is an investment–it is a way to honor your past and to invest in your family’s future.
I changed my pricing structure recently because I noticed that my clients being concerned with the number of objects they were giving me was holding up their progress in giving me anything at all. So all of my tiers are based on what objects you want digitized rather than how many.
I have several different tiers for you to consider for our work together. The first tier “Get it Done” is the best value if you have a large family archive. On the other hand, perhaps you want the pride of knowing that you have taken charge of the project yourself. For that, I have an online course, Disaster to Done, that will walk you through the exact process I use when someone hires me.
Whatever you prefer, I look forward to helping you insure your family’s memories! It’s urgent, important, and has never been easier.